About Us

Since 2018 we have provided high impact and quality service to small business. We have developed award winning solutions for the corporate sector to improve efficiency & effectiveness. At the center of what we do is our commitment to the needs of our clients as a key driving force behind our company.

Our Services

 Solution Development

We analyze ecosystems, system requirements, performance indicators to unearth opportunities for improvement, and then we leverage technologies to build solutions that will support the improvement.

ESD Solutions

We provide technical and digital solutions that can help ESD programs be more impactful, we conduct pre-assessments and we also provide on-demand service for enterprise development beneficiaries.

SME Micro Lending Services.

Through our NCR license, and using our digital platforms we provide innovative micro-lending solutions.


We also provide training on how you can start your own e-Commerce business. This a 3-day training that concludes with the attendees receiving all the tools they need to sell their product/service online.


The digital evolution of the world has created opportunities in improving connectivity, mobility, accessibility, security and efficiency.

Our approach is to leverage the technologies we have at our disposal to create digital platforms and solutions. Once we understand the depth and complexity of the problem we are solving, we then use the following technologies to build a solution:

Mobile & Web Apps
Learn about the differences between mobile and web apps and how they work to help your business and achieve business goals.
Big Data
Learn to analyze, systematically extract information from data sets too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software.
Learn about the differences between VR & AR and how they replace what people see and experience and projects images in front of users in a fixed area.
3D Printing
Learn about the 3D printing process and how it builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design model.
Internet of Things
Learn about the internet of things and how it is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines.
Machine Learning
Learn about machine learning and how it is a scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to carry out tasks without explicit instructions.
Artificial Intelligence
Learn about artificial intelligence and how it is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals.
Data Analytics
Learn about how data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information.
Learn about how blockchain is used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved record cannot be altered retroactively.

Get In Touch

Contact us using the details below or send us a message using the contact form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Email: arthur@qhconsultants.co.za
Tel: 011 568 9980
Address: 41 Juta St, Johannesburg, 2001,
South Africa